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Image by Luca Bravo

Scott's Blog


The 18-Inch Journey: Inspiring Employees to Believe in Your Company Mission

Scott Rupp

In business, a company's success is not solely determined by its products or services but by its employees' collective belief and dedication. As leaders, it is our responsibility to ensure that our team members not only understand the company mission but also wholeheartedly embrace it. However, this task can be as challenging as traversing the longest journey known to humankind - the 18-inch distance from our heads to our hearts. Join me as we explore this metaphor and uncover strategies to bridge this gap, drawing inspiration from cultures that have mastered this art.

The concept of the 18-inch journey stems from the profound truth that it is often difficult for people to hear or see something and allow it to affect their hearts and truly motivate them into action. This metaphor is found in various cultures throughout history to emphasize the significance of connecting the mind with the heart, as it is only through this connection that genuine belief and commitment can be fostered.

Historical Examples:

1. Ancient Greek Philosophy: In ancient Greece, philosophers like Socrates and Plato understood the importance of engaging intellect and emotions. They believed knowledge alone was insufficient; it had to be internalized and felt deeply. This approach allowed their teachings to resonate with their disciples, inspiring them to take action.

2. Zen Buddhism: Zen masters often employ paradoxical statements, known as koans, to provoke their students' minds and encourage them to go beyond logical thinking. By challenging their disciples' preconceived notions and forcing them to delve into their innermost selves, Zen masters aim to create a profound shift in perception that ultimately leads to genuine belief.

3. Sioux Indians: According to some sources, a Sioux Indian phrase, "The longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart," symbolizes the most significant and challenging journey one can undertake: the transition from intellectual understanding to emotional and heartfelt connection. This journey is often seen as a spiritual or transformative process, where individuals strive to align their thoughts and beliefs with their emotions and inner wisdom.

Tips for Inspiring Action:

1. Lead by Example: We must embody the company mission in our actions and decisions. When employees witness our unwavering dedication and passion, they are more likely to be inspired and follow suit. Employees formulate their view of the company culture by watching their supervisors and leaders instead of listening to the words they say, just as our kids learn more by watching us than by what we tell them.

Lead by Example!

2. Communicate with Clarity: Craft a compelling narrative around your company's mission and culture. Use clear and concise language that resonates with employees on an emotional level. Avoid jargon or complex terminology that may create a barrier between understanding and belief.

3. Foster a Sense of Purpose: Help employees understand how their roles contribute to the larger picture. By connecting their daily tasks to the company's mission, they will feel a sense of purpose and be more motivated to go the extra mile.

4. Encourage Dialogue: Create an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns. Actively listen to their feedback and address any doubts or uncertainties they may have. This open dialogue fosters trust and strengthens their belief in the company's mission.

5. Celebrate Successes: Recognize and celebrate milestones achieved due to employees' efforts. Acknowledging their contributions reinforces the belief that their work makes a difference, further inspiring them to continue striving for success.

Inspiring employees to believe in your company's mission and culture is undoubtedly challenging. However, by recognizing the significance of the 18-inch journey - bridging the gap between the mind and heart - we can adopt strategies and implement practical tips to inspire action. As leaders, let us embark on this journey together, fostering a culture where belief and dedication thrive, propelling our organizations toward greater heights.



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